Author Archives: UAP

19 Oct 2020

Labor tries to gag Anna Palmer

Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party has confirmed that Labor made a complaint to social media platforms to gag its deputy leader Anna Palmer over future death taxes. Party Chairman Clive Palmer said that the Greens and Labor had proposed to ...

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15 Oct 2020

Dowling to cut red tape

Leader of Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party, Greg Dowling, has vowed to cut red tape and taxes to get the Queensland economy moving again. “We need a new deal for Queensland based on enterprise. We need to cut the red ...

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15 Oct 2020

Anna Palmer outs major parties

Deputy leader of Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party and candidate for Currumbin, Anna Palmer, confirmed at a breakfast this morning that her party stood for opening the borders immediately. “The major parties, the LNP and Labor, want to keep the ...

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13 Oct 2020

Queenslanders appalled by lack of transparency: Anna Palmer

Queenslanders would be appalled by the lack of transparency displayed by Queensland’s major parties, deputy leader of Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party, Anna Palmer, said today. Mrs Palmer’s comments follow the latest LNP crisis in which Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington ...

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13 Oct 2020

Tear down the wall: Clive Palmer

Clive Palmer says it’s time to tear down the wall in Western Australia and let dollars flow in and out of the state. “The WA Government will destroy the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people for decades by continuing ...

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12 Oct 2020

We don’t want subsidies, we want jobs: Anna Palmer

Deputy Leader of Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party, Anna Palmer, has criticised the State Government’s subsidy offer to Queenslanders as a cheap bid for votes. “Queenslanders don’t want a few hundred dollars to buy their votes, they want an opportunity ...

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10 Oct 2020

A new deal for Queensland

Only Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party can open the borders and deliver decisive leadership for Queensland, party chairman Clive Palmer said today. “We are running candidates in 55 seats to shake the two-party duopoly and deliver a new deal for ...

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10 Oct 2020

Major parties destroying families by keeping borders closed

Clive Palmer has blasted both leaders of Queensland’s major parties for destroying families and the state economy with their hard stance on borders. His comments follow revelations today that Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington would not reopen the borders if elected. ...

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09 Oct 2020

Dowling and Clive Palmers United Party to tackle North Queensland crime

Leader of Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party, Greg Dowling, has put reducing North Queensland’s crime rate at the top of the agenda once voted in at the October 31 State Election. The Townsville businessman and former rugby league great has ...

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06 Oct 2020

Palmer slams Labor over jobs in Townsville

Clive Palmer has slammed Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk for turning her back on job creation in Townsville. “The Premier says she supports mineral development in Queensland, but not nickel,’’ Mr Palmer said. “She is happy to create money for various ...

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