Author Archives: UAP

06 Nov 2018

Warren Entsch’s $20 million lifeline just another empty promise for Far North growers

North Queensland Secretary of the United Australia Party, Jen Sackley, has blasted Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch’s response to troubles in the cane industry as blatant neglect.

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05 Nov 2018

Who is running the country?

Federal Leader of the United Australia Party, Clive Palmer, has asked who the faceless person is running the country while Prime Minister Scott Morrison is off touring Queensland by bus.

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05 Nov 2018

Palaszczuk uses Labor Party to hide from criminal activity, worse than Fitzgerald Inquiry

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has used the Labor Party to hide from potential criminal charges yet has attacked Clive Mensink regarding a civil warrant, Clive Palmer said in Townsville today.

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01 Nov 2018

United Australia Party backs renewable fuels

The United Australia Party will deliver sweeter outcomes for regional sugar towns by ramping up the use of ethanol-based fuel, North Queensland Secretary Jen Sackley said today. Ms Sackley said the party had set a target for 20 percent of ...

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26 Oct 2018

Morrison adopts Palmer’s Australia Fund

Federal leader of the United Australia Party Clive Palmer said it Brisbane today he was pleased to see the Federal Government change its position on helping struggling farmers by adopting a future fund. The fund is what the United Australia ...

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18 Oct 2018

The Great Power Price Rip-Off You’re Paying For 

Australians are paying the highest electricity prices in the world – and to give that context, we pay twice what New Yorkers pay for power. Many people don’t know why this is – they think power is “just getting expensive”.

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10 Oct 2018

Drought taskforce an insult to struggling farmers: Clive Palmer

Federal leader of the United Australia Party, Clive Palmer, has blasted the new drought finance taskforce to be chaired by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg as an insult to struggling farmers.

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09 Oct 2018

Clive Palmer calls out Glencore’s unconscionable conduct

Clive Palmer has blasted Glencore for unconscionable behaviour over new reports the multi-national mining company moved $30 billion of assets into offshore tax structures after a $16 billion write down by its Australian holding company. This restructure is now subject ...

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08 Oct 2018

PM fails integrity test

Federal leader of the United Australia Party, Clive Palmer, says Prime Minister Scott Morrison has failed the integrity test with his deplorable response to the assistant treasurer’s home internet bill scandal.

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05 Oct 2018

Australians Should Have Same Access to Super as Politicians

Federal leader of the United Australia Party, Clive Palmer, says the eligibility age for Australians to access their superannuation should be tied to the same level as politicians. 

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