Author Archives: UAP

25 Jun 2024

Clive Palmer’s Australian Freedom Conference Speech

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29 Apr 2024

Clive Palmer & Tucker Carlson join forces for Australian Freedom Conferences

Clive Palmer has announced details for a series of Australia-wide Freedom Conferences featuring American political commentator Tucker Carlson. Presented by Mineralogy, The Australian Freedom Conferences with Tucker Carlson and Clive Palmer will visit Cairns, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Sydney and Melbourne ...

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09 Oct 2023

Vote No

As campaigning for the referendum enters its final days before the nation casts its vote, Clive Palmer has added his voice to the NO campaign, saying the Voice is divisive and will lock race-based mechanisms into our constitution. Below are ...

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22 Aug 2023

It’s OK to Vote NO

If like the rest of us you’re not being told any detail about the Voice, then don’t be brow beaten into voting any other way but NO! Voting NO doesn’t mean you’re racist and it doesn’t mean you’re inconsiderate of ...

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10 Aug 2023

Big win over Big Pharma for Senator Babet

This bill fulfils a key promise the United Australia Party took to the 2022 Federal Election – that being to hold vaccine companies to account. The bill seeks to prevent the Commonwealth from granting future indemnity to Big Pharma in ...

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03 Aug 2023

The end of indemnity for Big Pharma

United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet has introduced a bill to the Senate which aims to mark the end of the coercive practices of big pharmaceutical corporations in Australia. Senator Babet said his bill, titled the Public Governance, Performance and ...

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22 Jun 2023

First major world politician apologises for vaccine mandates

Danielle Smith, the Premier of Alberta, Canada, has become the first senior elected politician in the world to issue an apology to the unvaccinated for the discrimination they suffered at the hands of the government during Covid-19 lockdowns. Premier Smith ...

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16 Jun 2023

Why is Mark McGowan above the law?

Clive Palmer says former WA Premier Mark McGowan is being treated as if he is “above the law” following news the State Labor Government would financially protect him against future court battles. “It is an outrageous situation that McGowan is ...

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22 Apr 2023

More questionable conduct from the TGA

At the recent United Australia Party vaccine conferences held around Australia, the Chair of the UAP’s Health and Policy Committee, Dr Melissa McCann, a prominent general practitioner, provided some expert material which evidenced the incompetence and criminal neglect of the ...

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15 Mar 2023

Clive Palmer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Conference speech

United Australia Party Chairman Clive Palmer’s rousing, passionate speech full of uncomfortable truths and cold hard facts, brought to a close UAP’s Australian Covid-19 Vaccine Conferences. These memorable sold-out events – held on the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Melbourne and ...

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