Author Archives: UAP

17 Apr 2020

Turnbull shows true colours with poor timing of book launch

The former Member for Fairfax in the 44th Parliament, Clive Palmer, said today the timing of Malcolm Turnbull’s book launch was in poor taste. “Clearly the former PM has attention deficit disorder to be thinking only of himself while the ...

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17 Apr 2020

Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party registered in Queensland

Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party has been officially registered as a new political party in Queensland. Pursuant to the provisions of Part 6 of the Electoral Act 1992, the Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has changed the Register of Political ...

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14 Apr 2020

Palmer Foundation launches website for latest COVID-19 information

The Palmer Foundation today launched a new website delivering Australians up to date information on the COVID-19 crisis. Foundation head Clive Palmer said the site was designed to deliver real news to keep the population informed about the pandemic. “Now ...

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27 Mar 2020

Palmer Rejects Advice to Reduce Staff

Clive Palmer said today he had rejected advice given from his advisors to reduce staff in his operations. “Advice had been given to me to bunker down and build a cash war chest from the royalties I am receiving from ...

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23 Mar 2020

Palmer agrees to fund the manufacture or acquisition of over 1,000,000 courses of Hydroxychloroquine for Australians

Clive Palmer has appointed Brisbane pharmacist Jeremey Sheridan to lead the effort to oversee the large-scale manufacturing of Hydroxychloroquine in Australia and the acquisition of the drug as soon as possible. Mr Sheridan stated in Brisbane today: “While the clinical ...

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18 Mar 2020

Palmer donates $1 million to Royal Brisbane Hospital to fight coronavirus

It was announced in Brisbane today that Clive Palmer had donated $1 million to the Royal Brisbane Hospital to fight coronavirus. Mr Palmer donated the money online yesterday to the RBWH Foundation Coronavirus Action Fund. University of Queensland Centre for ...

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10 Mar 2020

Don’t be conned by Condren

Clive Palmer has warned voters not to be conned by Patrick Condren, the former Queensland journalist who is chasing a new career as a politician. “Patrick Condren can’t get back into media, so now seeks to take ratepayer funds as ...

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02 Jan 2020

Hanson needs to make up her mind

Pauline Hanson needed to stop flip flopping on preference deals and put Australia’s best interests before her own, Clive Palmer said today. “Pauline Hanson should give herself an uppercut for creating uncertainty when Australians need stability more than ever.” Mr ...

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25 Nov 2019

Turnbull kidding himself: Palmer

Clive Palmer said today that Malcolm Turnbull was kidding himself if he truly believed he would have retained the role of Prime Minister if he was still leading the Liberal Party. “Turnbull has never been loyal to those who supported ...

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29 Oct 2019

Capping party spending shows Premier is running scared: Palmer

Clive Palmer said today that Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s proposal to cap party spending for the next state election showed that Labor was running scared. “Elections should be about ideas. The Premier wants to turn Queensland into a nanny state ...

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