Author Archives: UAP

20 Aug 2018

Critical Vote Lost Because of Heartless Politicians

The Leader of the Senate for the United Australia Party, Senator Brian Burston today said that it was disappointing that ALP, LNP and Pauline Hanson didn’t vote for urgent assistance for our Australian dairy farmers. Senator Burston proposed that large ...

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20 Aug 2018

Labor Has No Idea When It Comes To Farmers

The Federal Leader of the United Australia Party Mr Clive Palmer said this afternoon that Labor has no idea how to support farmers in desperate need. Today the Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk outlined $8 million in funding to support mental ...

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20 Aug 2018

United Australia Party Calls For Extension of Royal Commission to Include Liquidators and Administrators

Canberra: The Federal Leader of the United Australia Party, Mr Clive Palmer, has called for the immunity provisions of liquidators and administrators in court to be removed. Mr Palmer states that the law currently says they are officers of the ...

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01 Aug 2018

Labor tried to block Palmer donations to Townsville children

The Labor Government in Brisbane was playing politics with Townsville children’s needs, Clive Palmer said today. “I was approached by Declan Carnes the general manager of North Queensland Football who advised me that the State Government and the Townsville City ...

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31 Jul 2018

Clive Palmer and QNI Resources splash out $10,000 for local swimmers

Clive Palmer and QNI Resources have splashed out $10,000 for local swimmers, taking donations to North Queensland sporting and community causes to more than $20 million since 2010. The donation made to Townsville Tiger Sharks Swimming Club today will be ...

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31 Jul 2018

United Australia Party appoints Jen Sackley as North Queensland Secretary

Federal Leader of the United Australia Party, Clive Palmer, has announced the appointment of Jen Sackley to the position of North Queensland Secretary. A long-time North Queensland resident and former candidate for the Palmer United Party, Ms Sackley will run ...

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27 Jul 2018

United Australia Party to contest Townsville council elections

The United Australia Party has resolved at an interim national executive meeting to contest the next local council elections in Townsville.

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23 Jul 2018

QNI Resources helping local sports clubs reach their goals

QNI Resources is continuing to help local North Queensland sporting and community groups reach their goals, presenting Townsville Gymnastics with a cheque for $75,000 today in its latest donation to grass-roots causes. Townsville Gymnastics club president Lawrence Peterson said the ...

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09 Jul 2018

Palmer makes jobs a priority for Townsville

It was time to draw a line in the sand and fight for more jobs for Townsville, Clive Palmer said today. “The region is suffering from the loss of Tiger Airlines’ Melbourne to Townsville service, accounting for some 23,000 visitors ...

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28 Jun 2018

United Australia Party backs Company Tax Reductions

Federal leader of the United Australia Party, Clive Palmer, has congratulated his senate leader Brian Burston for committing to his promise of reducing company tax rates to allow Australian businesses to be globally competitive and to stimulate the economy through ...

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