
19 Apr 2024

Tucker Carlson with RFK Jr

Media release

Tucker Carlson with RFK Jr

Always a fascinating character, Robert Kennedy Jr sits down with Tucker Carlson to discuss Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle.

CLICK HERE to watch the interview.

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31 Mar 2024

Clive Palmer says Titanic II will be an antidote to woke politics

Media release

Clive Palmer says Titanic II will be an antidote to woke politics

The world will be reminded of bygone values when Titanic II sets sail and the project will become a symbol for all we hold dear in a changing world, Clive Palmer says in a great interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

CLICK HERE to read the story.

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30 Mar 2024

It’s all about control and it’s happening here too

Media release

It’s all about control and it’s happening here too

The war on everything we recognise as our basic rights and values has been stepped up and we must all pay attention before it’s too late.

CLICK HERE to watch the clip.

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28 Feb 2024

Xi Van Fleet talks to Tucker Carlson

Media release

Xi Van Fleet talks to Tucker Carlson

Author of the book ‘Mao’s America’, Xi Van Fleet was born in China, lived through the Cultural Revolution, and was sent to work in the countryside at the age of 16.

After Mao’s death, she was able to go to college to study English and has lived in the United States since 1986.

In 2021, she delivered a school board speech in Loudoun County, Virginia, against Critical Race Theory that went viral and ignited national media attention.

She now devotes her time and energy warning about the similarities between Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China and what’s unfolding in America and other western nations today, including Australia.

There are some very uncomfortable parallels, and we should heed the lessons of the past, before it’s too late.

CLICK HERE to watch this revealing interview.

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27 Feb 2024

Palmer applauds Supreme Court outcome on unlawful vaccine orders & Babet Senate victory

Media release

Palmer applauds Supreme Court outcome on unlawful vaccine orders & Babet Senate victory

Clive Palmer has applauded last night’s motion by United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet and today’s Supreme Court ruling that Covid vaccine orders placed on Queensland frontline workers were unlawful as a major victory for human rights.

Mr Palmer said Senator Babet’s successful motion that unexplained death rates in Australia being 18% higher than pre-vaccination warranted investigation, was an important step forward in finding the truth about the impacts of the Covid response.

Mr Palmer said he stepped up to fund the landmark action by more than 60 police officers and dozens of ambulances and health care workers because he believed human liberties and lives were at stake.

In the watershed ruling in favour of police and ambulance workers, the Court declared that the Police Commissioner’s direction issued on 7 September 2021 and 14 December 2021 were unlawful under section 58 of the Human Rights Act 2019. The court also ruled that the Employee COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements Human Resources Policy is of no effect.

“Firstly, I want to pay tribute to the Queensland police and ambulance officers for the courage that they and their families have shown in fighting the good fight and prevailing,” Mr Palmer said.

“On this day, one day after the Australian Senate has resolved to investigate the 18% increase in excess death rates this year, we now know what the Government has done and that their directions were unlawful.

“Queensland police and ambulance workers were abandoned by their unions. Their human rights were, as the court has found, violated.

“I celebrate the Queensland Police Commissioner’s decision to resign last week in anticipation of this landmark victory.

“It is now imperative that the presidents and executives of the Queensland Police and Ambulance unions do the honourable thing and resign from their roles in supporting the decisions to have officers vaccinate against their wishes, breaching the rules of natural justice and human rights.

“The question is, will the Queensland Premier now step up and voluntarily compensate police and ambulance staff and their families who have faced vaccine injuries and deaths, or will we see another expensive, drawn-out legal battle to achieve justice?

“I am calling on the Premier to compensate every one of these brave men and woman for the bullying, intimidation and prejudice they suffered.

“But more importantly, I am calling for compensation for those officers and families who followed the Queensland Government orders and have died or suffered serious injury. It is time for them to come forward.

“The battle continues, we cannot abandon our fellow Queenslanders.”

United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet scored a major win yesterday with the Senate voting in favour of his general business that excess deaths in Australia needed further inquiry.

“It is a worrying statistic that unexplained death rates in this country are 18% higher than pre-vaccination,” Mr Palmer said.

“As today’s verdict shows, the vaccine mandates were an assault on these men and women who should have the same rights as any Australian citizen.

“Once again, congratulations to those frontline workers who showed great courage in bringing this matter before the Supreme Court.

“These people’s human rights have now been recognised and as such this is a landmark decision,” Mr Palmer said.

CLICK HERE to read or download the judgement.

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14 Feb 2024

Surgeon general of Florida calls for a halt to mRNA vaccines

Media release

Surgeon general of Florida calls for a halt to mRNA vaccines

Surgeon General of Florida Dr Joseph Ladapo has called for a halt to all mRNA vaccines amidst fears foreign DNA could enter cells through the Covid-19 vaccine. CLICK HERE to watch

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12 Feb 2024

Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin

Media release

Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin

Tucker Carlson interviewed Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia on 6 February 2024. It’s the first interview with the Russian leader by a western journalist since the conflict in Ukraine began and is fascinating viewing. CLICK HERE to watch.


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19 Jan 2024

President of Argentina, Javier Milei, at the WEF

Media release

President of Argentina, Javier Milei, at the WEF

With the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting underway in Davos, Switzerland, those who would style our collective futures are for the most part huddled away in furtive meetings or addressing other delegates in the safety of the auditorium.

We all know the dangers posed by the unelected WEF and their network of corporate elites who aim to shape our world to suit themselves and impose their agenda of Net Zero, Digital IDs and Mis/Disinformation controls upon us all.

Among the speakers at the WEF meeting is the new President of Argentina, Javier Milei, who was a surprise invitee. A no-nonsense man of principles and conviction, President Milei is shaping up as a friend of freedom and an antidote to woke socialism.

His address to the WEF ends with “long live freedom, damnit!” and is well worth a look. CLICK HERE to watch.


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18 Dec 2023

Albanese Government adopts Hitler and Stalin measures: Palmer

Media release

Albanese Government adopts Hitler and Stalin measures: Palmer

Clive Palmer has strongly criticised anti free speech legislation proposed by the Albanese Government, describing it as ‘coming straight from Hitler’s playbook’.

Documents released under FOI (CLICK HERE to read or download), revealing the Labor Government’s plans should be deeply concerning for all Australians, Mr Palmer said.

Under the Albanese Government’s proposed new laws, the Government would have the power to dictate what constitutes misinformation or disinformation and coerce or pressure social media companies into removing content they deem unacceptable.

If passed, huge fines could be issued to social media companies if they fail to remove from their platforms content the state deems to be misinformation or disinformation.

“This government wishes to destroy freedom of speech by adopting Hitler and Stalin measures,” Mr Palmer said.

“Brave Australians have fought in battles and given their lives so we can be free. The Albanese government wants to take our freedom away.

“Documents obtained under FOI including correspondence between the Minister for Communication Michelle Rowland and the Prime Minister paint a grim future for Australians who value their freedom.

“This extraordinary move by the Albanese woke left will mean that if the government does not agree with your beliefs, you can be accused of spreading fake news,” Mr Palmer said.

“This is an un-Australian act. I would have hoped our politicians were more principled.

“I am standing up now about this legislation as I will not be able to once it is passed.

“We need all Australians to get behind Senator Babet and like-minded politicians to protect Australia,” Mr Palmer said.

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07 Dec 2023

Palmer to sue the former ASIC Chairman James Shipton

Media release

Palmer to sue the former ASIC Chairman James Shipton

Clive Palmer has announced he will be taking legal action against James Shipton over serious breaches of duty while he was Chairman of ASIC.

The announcement follows revelations in the Magistrates Court Brisbane that ASIC acted at the request of commercial companies to charge Mr Palmer with offences for the express purpose of placing pressure on Mr Palmer to pay more money to a private company whose directors had close links with an ASIC commissioner to whom such requests were made.

“ASIC acted to assist a commercial company’s purpose and not a public purpose with the full knowledge of James Shipton,” Mr Palmer said.

Mr Palmer said the court provided evidence which consisted of written internal documents of ASIC and its collusion with a commercial company and their directors to pressure him to pay that company more money and to use the charges as threats to extort money from him and his companies.

“This matter was brought to the attention of James Shipton at the time and despite, as we now know, having evidence of improper and criminal activity inside ASIC, Shipton breached the ASIC act, acted in bad faith and acted for an improper purpose and beyond his power, and in breach of his duty as Chairman of ASIC,” Mr Palmer said.

“Once investigations are complete, proceedings will commence in the Federal Court of Australia seeking inter alia damages from Shipton.

“No stone will be left unturned to bring the truth of the disgraceful and criminal actions of ASIC at Shipton’s direction, not just against me but others as the recent decision in the Magistrates Court confirmed that ASIC charged an individual without carrying out any investigations.

“It is time to root out lawyers that fail to fulfil their duties to the court. It is time to root out public servants who use public money to advantage their mates,” Mr Palmer said.

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