
30 Jan 2019

Palmer wishes aging rocker a comfortable retirement

Media release

Palmer wishes aging rocker a comfortable retirement

Clive Palmer has responded to the latest round of insults from Twisted Sister’s front man Dee Snider by wishing the aging rocker all the best in his retirement. (more…)

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30 Jan 2019

North Queenslanders against propping up poor energy policies in other states

Media release

North Queenslanders against propping up poor energy policies in other states

North Queensland Secretary for the United Australia Party, Jen Sackley, said today a growing number of people in the Leichhardt electorate were concerned about propping up the failed energy policies of other states. (more…)

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22 Jan 2019

Equity in parliament the essence of true democracy: Jen Sackley

Media release

Equity in parliament the essence of true democracy: Jen Sackley

United Australia Party Secretary for North Queensland, Jen Sackley, has spoken out about women in politics saying Australia would never be a true democracy until there was equity in parliament.

“The Australian political scene is not just a male dominated cesspool, but also one comprising female political war horses  who lack the fortitude to make the necessary changes,’’ Ms Sackley said.

“In my opinion, the political landscape in Australia, while dominated by suits from the time of its conception, are suits who are often supported by women who play the gender card.

“Women are either leaving the LNP in droves or being driven into seats by the male-dominated old guard of ALP where they have no chance of winning.

“While politicians fight each other over this age old debate, they continue to create a smoke screen covering the reality that neither party really values women.

“Many of the political war horses in Australia’s’ two party duopoly need to be put out to pasture and should be encouraging younger woman to take their roles,’’ she said.

“Why is this debate still on the table when women represent more than 50% of the Australian population?

“Sadly it appears there is a long way to go before we are rid of male-dominated politics, resting on deeply engrained misogynistic values,’’ Ms Sackley said.

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18 Jan 2019

Actor bringing ScoMo to account

Media release:

Actor bringing ScoMo to account

Hollywood and Home and Away actor Bryan Wiseman has been endorsed as the United Australia Party’s candidate for the lower house seat of Cook, currently held by Prime Minister Scott Morrison. (more…)

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17 Jan 2019

Shorten should be concentrating on policies, not personal attacks

Media release

Shorten should be concentrating on policies, not personal attacks

Clive Palmer says Bill Shorten should be concentrating on policies rather than criticising individuals, following the Labor leader’s attack over text messages.

“Rather than personal attacks, Mr Shorten should be addressing policy issues, that’s what Australia is devoid of,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“The United Australia Party’s text messages are all policy-based unlike the misleading ones sent out by the Labor party before the last election saying that Medicare would be privatised if they voted Liberal.

“We live in a democracy, not the bureaucracy that Bill Shorten and his union mates have created.

“Is this an insight into what Bill Shorten would be like as Prime Minister?’’ Mr Palmer said.

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16 Jan 2019

Palmer goes next level with launch of world-first political game app

Media release:

Palmer goes next level with launch of world-first political game app

Game on! Clive Palmer has gotten the jump on his political rivals with the launch of a world-first mobile game app.

Collect Tim Tams with Clive as he clashes with the Canberra elite in the light hearted, retro-style arcade game featuring the likes of Scott Morrison, Bill Shorten, Richard Di Natale and many more.

Called Clive Palmer: Humble Meme Merchant, the free app was developed by Australian company Emu War Games to take a friendly jab at mainstream politics.

“I love my memes and this takes it to the next level,’’ said Mr Palmer, Federal Leader of the United Australia Party which is contesting all 151 lower house seats and all Senate positions in the upcoming election.

“It is the season of giving, so I am offering this game to all young people and the young at heart free of charge,’’ Mr Palmer said.

Creative and Strategic Director of Emu War Games, Tom West, said Clive Palmer: Humble Meme Merchant was several months in the making.

“Mobile gaming is a rapidly growing segment of the mobile economy in Australia and we believe this app represents a world-first political communication strategy,’’ Mr West said.

“The idea came after seeing how many millennial voters had been left disenfranchised by the low standard of political leadership in Australia.

“Mobile was the perfect platform to reach these voters and refocus some of their attention to the political landscape,’’ he said.

“The intention of the game was be a light hearted jab at mainstream politicians, while showing that candidates like Clive Palmer are a viable alternative to the two major parties.

“We wanted to show that Clive’s policies represent are logical step forward for Australia,’’ he said.

Clive Palmer: Humble Meme Merchant can be downloaded for free at the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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09 Jan 2019

Morrison’s missing right foot is in his mouth: Palmer

Media release:

Morrison’s missing right foot is in his mouth: Palmer

Clive Palmer says he has solved the mystery of Scott Morrison’s missing right foot in the PM’s embarrassing Photoshop scandal.

“It’s in his mouth,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“This is a serious matter for people as they will be concerned of a foot-and-mouth outbreak.

“Unfortunately we know what happens when animals get foot-and-mouth disease, they are put down.

“I’m sure this is what will happen to Scott Morrison in the upcoming election,’’ Mr Palmer said.

Scott Morrison’s “shoegate” controversy shows a pair of white sneakers poorly edited over his original pair and making him appear like he has two left feet in a family portrait.

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03 Jan 2019

Palmer confirms rumours about game app

Media release:

Palmer confirms rumours about game app

Clive Palmer has today confirmed rumours that a game app about Australia’s political landscape featuring himself and other politicians was in its finals stages of development.

“A game developed about Australian politics is nearly complete and will be released later this month,’’ Mr Palmer said.

The federal leader of the United Australia Party said the app would feature various political figures including Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten.

“It will show the shortcomings of Australian politicians and that people are capable of making changes,’’ Mr Palmer said.

The app has been developed by an Australian company.

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20 Dec 2018

United Australia Party brings hope in 2019

Media release

United Australia Party brings hope in 2019

Clive Palmer and his 10,000-plus United Australia Party team are bringing hope for Australians in 2019.

In Townsville today, Mr Palmer said his fast-growing party would help make Australia great again with sound economic management, unlike the current Federal Government. (more…)

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13 Dec 2018

United Australia Party officially registered

Media release

United Australia Party officially registered

United Australia Party federal leader Clive Palmer announced today that the Australian Electoral Commission had approved the party’s application for registration and the party was now officially registered. (more…)

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