Media release Shamefully, only six senators voted against the so-called ‘hate speech bill’ last week, a bill that we and many others believe to be a direct attack on free speech. Globalist governments around the world have implemented similar laws designed to stifle your right to question what are usually damaging government policies. As usual, it’s a control measure wrapped up as harm prevention. In other words, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. We’ve attached three documents on the bill for your information. CLICK HERE to download or view the new Act CLICK HERE to download or view the scrutiny committee report pointing out it’s faults and the attorney general’s response. CLICK HERE to download or view the bills digest – essentially a summary of the bill and intent. Ends.Details of the hate speech bill
Media release Mineralogy Chairman, Clive Palmer, today presented Foodbank with a donation of $5 million to feed hungry Australians. “We live in uncertain times and many Australian families are under increasing pressure to provide for their children. Many are caught between the need for shelter, health and food,” Mr Palmer said. “Increased cost of living and increased interest rates mean that even with both parents working, there is just not enough to save the family home and provide for the family’s needs. “The result is often that house payments and children get priority and there is simply not enough income to provide three meals a day for all the family. “Social security does help, but for some, their combined income rules them out of receiving assistance. But these are our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers. And in this country, they, and their families, need food security,” he said. Mr Palmer said over three million Australian households could not provide enough food for their families. “We don’t want Australians to go to bed hungry every night,” he said. “Foodbank is at the front line. It plays an important role in combatting hunger and it needs an additional $200 million. “My company Mineralogy is today donating $5 million to Foodbank who can use that money to provide millions of meals to hungry Australians. “I admire Foodbank’s Chairman Duncan Makeig and everything their team is doing throughout Australia to feed the hungry. “I call upon my fellow rich listers, corporate Australia and the boards of Australia’s leading companies to support Foodbank as they seek the $200 million needed to feed hungry Australians. “I hope Peter Dutton, if elected Prime Minister, will address the serious cost of living crisis Australia is facing and provide Foodbank with the support they require.” Mr Palmer said all Australians must agree that everyone should have the right to food. “Nobody can deny that over the last three years the standard of living has dropped for Australian families. “Australia needs to do more than it is doing now to feed those who are facing the consequences of increased cost of living. “We cannot forget to love, appreciate and provide support to those, young and old, who are doing it tough,” Mr Palmer said. Foodbank Australia Board Chair, Duncan Makeig, emphasised the importance of collective action, with the Foodbank Hunger Report 2024 showing more than 3.4 million Australian households experienced food insecurity in the last year, reducing the quality or variety of their food or sometimes going entire days without eating. “With the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis still being felt at kitchen tables right across the country, we welcome Mineralogy’s generous donation and thank Mr Palmer for shining a spotlight on the urgency of the challenge we face with demand for food relief outstripping supply,” Mr Makeig said. “With more and more food needed every day, we need a meaningful, bi-partisan government response and enhanced support from corporate Australia through their own donations to Foodbank as we collectively strive to address what has become a major issue in Australia,” he said. You can listen to Clive Palmer at the press conference by CLICKING HERE
Palmer gives $5 million to feed hungry Australians
Media release Amid the pre-emptive pardon bestowed on Anthony Fauci by Joe Biden, new US President Donald Trump has indicated he is about to embark on a declassification rampage. Author, journalist and podcaster Matt Taibbi sits down with Tucker Carlson to discuss Fauci, the extraordinary decision to issue the pardon that no innocent man would need, the secret information Trump is about to release and what he should declassify next. CLICK HERE to watch.Matt Taibbi: All the top-secret information Trump is releasing & what he should declassify next
Media release Clive Palmer, Chairman of Mineralogy Limited, has issued a stark warning about the worsening cost-of-living crisis, highlighting that millions of Australians were going without food, with children among those suffering most. “Three million Australian households are surviving on just one meal a day, and children are going to bed hungry,” Mr Palmer said. “The cost of living is breaking Australian families, pushing people to the brink and contributing to a rise in domestic violence. Australians should not be going hungry in their own country.” Mr Palmer criticised the government’s response, saying that while politicians claim to care, they have failed to take meaningful action to alleviate the crisis. “The Government says it cares, but it does nothing to help with the cost-of-living disaster,” he said. Mr Palmer called on all Australians to acknowledge the severity of the situation and act with compassion to support those in need. “All Australians must accept responsibility for the catastrophe we are facing and reach out to fellow Australians with compassion,” he said. Mr Palmer urged immediate action to provide relief for struggling households and address the root causes of the crisis. CLICK HERE to watch Clive Palmer on the cost-of-living crisis. CLICK HERE to watch Clive Palmer on affordable housing. CLICK HERE to watch Clive Palmer on Net Zero.Palmer calls for urgent action on Australia’s cost-of-living crisis
Media release Clive Palmer has condemned the Albanese Government’s decision to allocate $600m for a PNG football team while thousands of Australians were going to bed hungry. “3000 Australians go to bed hungry every night and can’t cope with the cost of living, yet Anthony Albanese has put $600 million of Australian taxpayers’ funds towards a PNG rugby league team,” Mr Palmer said. “The Government’s number one priority should be focused on suffering Australians. Many Australians are in crisis yet are ashamed to ask for help. “The Government says it cares but does nothing to help with the cost-of-living crisis. Albanese will go down as one of the worst Prime Minister’s in our history,’’ Mr Palmer said. “It is getting harder and harder for Australians with energy prices going through the roof. The debate is focused on climate change. Renewable energies make up 4% of all energy on the planet yet 20 years ago renewables were 2%. “So, the question is, does the extra 2% increase in renewables make up for the declining standard of living in Australia? “Both Dutton and Albanese clamber to achieve net zero. Net zero will equal a lower standard of life for all Australians. “The truth is the Government should stay out of the energy debate and leave it to free market forces and industry,’’ Mr Palmer said. “Market and industry should be bidding to create the alternatives not the Government. Let market forces and enterprise compete, and prices will come down. “The Government’s main priority should be the cost of living. “In the coming months, I’ll encourage other industries and industry leaders to do more to help suffering Australians, so fewer go hungry,” Mr Palmer said.Albo thinks voters live in PNG – $600m hand out for football team while Australians go hungry
Media release Clive Palmer has mounted a challenge in the High Court of Australia to ensure the United Australia Party (UAP) will be a third force in the 2025 Federal Election. Mr Palmer said Labor and the Liberals were rigging the election by supporting a draconian and unconstitutional Electoral Act aimed at eliminating competition. Senator Ralph Babet said that as a serving Senator, he found it undemocratic that the Electoral Act would ban the party from contesting the election. The Electoral Act states that a deregistered party that seeks re-registration can only contest the election after next. Section 135(3) of the Commonwealth Electoral Act (the Act) states: “Where a political party is deregistered under subsection (1), that party, or a party that has a name that so nearly resembles the name of the deregistered party that it is likely to be confused with or mistaken for that name, is ineligible for registration under this Part until after the general election next following the deregistration.” Mr Palmer said the party would seek a declaration from the High Court of Australia that section 135(3) is unconstitutional. “We don’t believe the provisions of the Electoral Act are conducive to running a free and fair election as our Constitution demands. With that in mind, we have taken the matter to the High Court of Australia,” Mr Palmer said. Senator Ralph Babet said the party was taking the battle head-on. “I have lodged an application to re-register the United Australia Party and candidate nominations are now open. United Australia Party will field candidates in all upper and lower house seats,” Senator Babet said. Mr Palmer said the United Australia Party had 82,000 members and they were being denied the right to vote for who they wanted. “Labor is running scared. There will be a third force in the next election and it will be well supported. I am calling for all parties to join together to kick out the uni-party of Labor /Liberals which has destroyed our economy and increased our cost of living.” “The Liberals and Labor need to be cancelled,” Mr Palmer said. “Before the last election we told the Australian public that interest rates would rise, inflation and the cost of living would go through the roof and life would get a lot more difficult for most Australians. And we were right.” “Our country is barely recognisable. In just a few short years our standard of living has plummeted thanks to poor government policies and Ministers who are out of their depth,” Mr Palmer said. “The Coalition are no better and are simply one half of what appears to be a uni-party with Labor. The Government intends to introduce censorship and destroy Australians free speech. “The time is now for a real alternative. You don’t need a crystal ball to see into the future with Labor and the Coalition – more hard times, more and more control over your lives, more government overreach and more pandering to global elites. “To vote for them again this time around simply locks this in forever. The 2025 election is critical to the future of the nation and your family. “In preparation for the next election we are now calling on members to nominate for candidate positions with the United Australia Party,” Mr Palmer said.Cancel both Liberal and Labor with a third force: Palmer
Media release UAP Leader Clive Palmer appeared on ABC’s 7.30 news show to talk about the far-left Labor Government’s plans to lock in new legislation that caps political donations and makes it even more difficult for smaller parties or independents to run an effective campaign. In short, this legislation is a stitch up designed to lock us into the two-party system and exclude everyone else. It’s undemocratic and like much of this government’s plans, not in the interest of Australian citizens. Despite host Sarah Ferguson’s continual interruptions, it’s a great interview. CLICK HERE to watch.Clive Palmer: Election donation caps lock in the duopoly
Media release As Australia heads towards eliminating competition through Anthony Albanese’s electoral reform bill, it was clear that Labor and the Liberals were joined at the hip to manipulate the system, Clive Palmer said today. Mr Palmer said Australia already had a track record of unfair elections, with a history of missing ballot boxes and poor safeguards to stop people voting multiple times. “Yet the AEC does nothing except issue petty threats. Nothing gets properly investigated. It is clear the AEC acts for government, not the people or democracy,” he said. “This new legislation is designed to rig elections. It will also hinder the independents, the regular Australians, from standing for parliament, which is what the constitution was designed for.” Mr Palmer said the proposed electoral laws demonstrated the united Labor and Liberal party’s intent to control elections. “Power under the constitution is not meant for abuse, or to suppress competition, as is being proposed,” Mr Palmer said. “As an Australian citizen, I will challenge these unconstitutional acts which will suppress freedom. We have just witnessed with the results of the US election, that populations overwhelming want democracy and freedom. “It is interesting that I am over 70 years of age, and Albanese and the Labor Government still fear me. It is not me they should fear, it is ideas,” Mr Palmer said. “Labor and the Liberals working together on this issue is a disgrace. The only hope for Australian people is if the High Court looks at the constitution and the implied rights of freedom of speech. “It is a bad move for Labor to seek to control democracy and freedom especially given the importance of building a strong working relationship with the USA, who have shown where they stand on freedom and competition,” he said. “It is clear that Albo doesn’t want competition. With his declining approval rating, this is an act of desperation. “We are seeing Labor and the Liberals acting as a united party, trying to control Australians. “They are threatened by individuals who criticise them. This legislation is designed to destroy the fabric of society,” Mr Palmer said.Albo funds Ukraine while adopting Putin’s election measures: Palmer
Media release Clive Palmer has labelled John Quigley a national disgrace following revelations the WA Attorney General secretly rushed through the controversial Amendment Act to cause him personal damage. Mr Palmer has strongly argued that aspects of the Amendment Act are highly draconian in nature by imposing severe restrictions on legal actions against individual politicians and the State of Western Australia. The law also excluded the Freedom of Information Act, which ordinarily allows media and the public greater transparency into government action and the capacity for informed scrutiny. Mr Palmer said The Amendment Act exempted the state from defined liabilities, removed potential appeal and review rights and excluded principles of natural justice. Mr Palmer has taken the matter to International Arbitration. “Mr Quigley’s legacy will be that he is the worst Attorney General in the country since Federation,” Mr Palmer said. “He and former Premier Mark McGowan will go down in history as causing the largest damages by any government. “He had to apologise and ask to re-do his evidence to the Federal Court of Australia because he contradicted Mark McGowan – who we now know works for his true master BHP. “It is John Quigley and Mark McGowan who have put the Commonwealth in this position. As Attorney General he should be concerned for the rule of law. “John Quigley continues to show his incompetence which has destroyed billions of dollars of wealth to Western Australians and Australians,” Mr Palmer said.Quigley a national disgrace: Palmer
Media release Clive Palmer, whose political party used its Senate power to save Qantas from foreign ownership, has called for the airline to immediately abolish its controversial Chairman’s Lounge. Mr Palmer said the lounge was a disgraceful perk used to reward or punish politicians, and as a haven for lobbyists to do their dark and dirty deals. The Palmer United Party used its Senate power to block then Prime Minster Tony Abbott’s hopes of ending Qantas’ foreign ownership restrictions in 2014. “At the time Alan Joyce was lobbying all sides of government, looking to sell off Qantas to his Irish private equity mates. “Politicians were more interested in a free lunch than the interests of Australians.” Mr Palmer said Joyce purposely ran Qantas into the ground for it to be bought cheaply through privatisation. “You only have to look at the value of the airline now compared to what Alan Joyce wanted it sold to him and his mates for, it raises serious questions,” he said. Mr Palmer said blocking the privatisation of Qantas was one of his proudest political achievements. At the time, Alan Joyce hit back by cancelling Mr Palmer’s own Chairman’s Lounge privileges. “The Chairman’s Lounge was used to reward or punish politicians based on vested interests. “If the Qantas Chairman is serious about restoring the airline’s reputation, he needs to abolish the Chairman’s Lounge,” Mr Palmer said. “All politicians who are members of the lounge should be under scrutiny, and should resign from the Chairman’s club,” he said. “The lounge has proven that Australian politicians can be bought cheaply. Although I fly in my own jet, I have frequented the Virgin lounge on occasions, which is better,” he said.Qantas Chairman’s Lounge used to punish or reward politicians: Palmer