Author Archives: Bharath UAP

27 Jul 2023

AEC wastes taxpayers’ funds chasing frivolous claims: Kelly

The United Australia Party’s Craig Kelly has labelled the AEC’s failed lawsuit against him over ‘non-compliant federal election campaign material’ as a shocking waste of taxpayers’ money. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) had argued campaign posters used by Mr Kelly ...

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25 Jul 2023

If you don’t know, VOTE NO

The United Australia Party will not support a constitutional change that divides us by race. We are better than this. The Voice is shrouded in secrecy and is pushed by a government who cannot be trusted. It is divisive, dangerous ...

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07 Jul 2023

Covid vaccine autopsies study finds 74% were caused by vaccine. Study removed within 24 hours

A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours. The paper, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by ...

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26 Jun 2023

Albanese tramples journalists’ rights

Moves by the Albanese Government to fine social media companies millions of dollars for spreading misinformation on their platforms have been labelled a disgrace by Clive Palmer. Mr Palmer said the crackdown was unconstitutional and has vowed to fight the ...

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26 Jun 2023

Cardiac related hospital presentations skyrocket in Victoria

Fresh data obtained under Freedom of Information has revealed some alarming findings relating to cardiac presentations in Victoria’s hospitals. Graphs in THIS ARTICLE show the average number of presentations for cardiac conditions in the 20-29 age group rose from 3.3% to ...

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22 Jun 2023

Startling developments on the passing of Shane Warne

Cricketer Shane Warne was an Australian icon who was not only loved in this country, but all over the world. We all miss Shane, but particularly during the broadcast of the first Ashes test where he would have been front ...

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19 Jun 2023

Outgoing CDC director in firing line

Journalist and author Naomi Wolf delivers a scathing summary of US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr Rochelle Walensky’s tenure at the head of the US’s top government public health agency. Dr Walensky will soon step down ...

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31 May 2023

McGowan’s resignation a win for WA

Clive Palmer has described Premier Mark McGowan’s resignation as a win for Western Australia. “The people of Western Australia have suffered years of neglect under Mark McGowan, and time will tell the true cost of the damage he has caused ...

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16 May 2023

Moira Deeming serves John Pesutto with defamation concerns notice

The Liberal Party continue to implode with expelled Victorian MP Moira Deeming serving Victorian Liberal Leader John Pesutto with a defamation notice. Mr Pesutto’s move to expel Ms. Deeming followed her attendance at a “Let Women Speak” rally alongside British ...

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08 May 2023

Col Douglas Macgregor speaks out on the war in Ukraine

Colonel Douglas Macgregor is a decorated military officer, the author of five books and holds a PHD in Defence and Foreign Policy. In this special podcast hosted by presidential hopeful Robert F Kennedy Jr, Col Macgregor speaks about the war ...

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