Author Archives: Bharath UAP

04 Jan 2022

Labor copies United Australia Party’s fast rail policy

Clive Palmer said today Labor leader Anthony Albanese’s fast rail policy mirrored what the United Australia Party had announced in 2019. “It is flattering that Anthony Albanese has copied our policy,” United Australia Party Chairman, Mr Palmer said. “The United ...

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20 Dec 2021

United Australia Party celebrates 90th Anniversary

The United Australia Party has reached a major milestone, celebrating 90 years since forming the government of Australia, chairman Clive Palmer announced today. “We are very pleased to announce that we are officially celebrating 90 years since this great party ...

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08 Dec 2021

Liberals and Labor spreading misinformation: Palmer

The Liberal-Labor alliance is trying to create controversy by spreading misinformation about the United Australia Party’s preference arrangements, said chairman Clive Palmer. “As expected, the Liberals and Labor are trying to create controversy and peddle misinformation about us – most ...

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24 Nov 2021

Removal of Folau clause latest blow for freedom of speech: Kelly

Federal leader of the United Australia Party, Craig Kelly MP, has blasted the Morrison Government for removing the so-called Folau clause from its religious discrimination bill, calling it yet another attack on freedom of speech. “This is disgraceful legislation from ...

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23 Nov 2021

Newman exchanges preferences with Palmer and Kelly

The extreme measures adopted by Annastacia Palaszczuk had caused former foes to come together to fight for freedom of choice and democracy, former Queensland Premier Campbell Newman said today. United Australia Party Chairman Clive Palmer has confirmed that the United ...

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19 Nov 2021

United Australia Party grows membership to 80,000

The United Australia Party’s membership numbers have now topped 80,000, greatly exceeding the major parties, Clive Palmer announced today. “Our party has now reached 80,000 members, making our base larger than that of Labor, the Liberals and the Greens. “We ...

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18 Nov 2021

WA hospital crisis a result of vaccine: Palmer

Western Australia’s hospital crisis is a result of mandatory vaccinations according to United Australia Party Chairman Clive Palmer. “WA hospitals aren’t coping with patient levels and Premier Mark McGowan says he’s not sure why,’’ Mr Palmer said. “The State’s health ...

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10 Nov 2021

Queensland Government faces legal action over plans to create two-class society

United Australia Party Chairman Clive Palmer said today the party’s lawyers had been instructed to commence legal action against the Queensland Government over its plans to create a two-class society. “It is a matter of great concern that the Queensland ...

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22 Oct 2021

United Australia Party – Australia’s biggest political party

The United Australia Party’s membership base has surged past 70,000, making it the largest political party in Australia, Chairman Clive Palmer announced today. “Our party has now passed the 70,000 members, making our base larger than that of Labor, the ...

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13 Oct 2021

Reignite Democracy Australia joins United Australia Party

Chairman of the United Australia Party, Clive Palmer, has welcomed Reignite Democracy Australia to the Party. “We welcome Reignite Democracy Australia and their thousands of members, followers and supporters,” Mr Palmer said. “We welcome all Australians to the United Australia ...

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