Media Releases

26 Sep 2023

Victoria freed from tyranny. Dictator Dan sees the writing on the wall

United Australia Party Senator for Victoria Ralph Babet says the news today that Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is resigning from his position (effective 5pm Wednesday) is huge relief for the state of Victoria. Senator Babet spoke of his “overwhelming joy” ...

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24 Aug 2023

McGowan’s opposition to Palmer projects now clear

Clive Palmer said today it was now clear why Mark McGowan had fought so hard to oppose his Pilbara iron ore projects with the former WA Premier set to join BHP. “We now know the real reason why Mark McGowan ...

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24 Aug 2023

Babet calls for ACT Chief Minister’s resignation

United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet has called for ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr to resign for presiding over a government which deployed a corrupt prosecutor. In the wake of the scandal surrounding the Sofronoff Report, Senator Babet also said ...

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22 Aug 2023

It’s OK to Vote NO

If like the rest of us you’re not being told any detail about the Voice, then don’t be brow beaten into voting any other way but NO! Voting NO doesn’t mean you’re racist and it doesn’t mean you’re inconsiderate of ...

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10 Aug 2023

Big win over Big Pharma for Senator Babet

This bill fulfils a key promise the United Australia Party took to the 2022 Federal Election – that being to hold vaccine companies to account. The bill seeks to prevent the Commonwealth from granting future indemnity to Big Pharma in ...

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03 Aug 2023

The end of indemnity for Big Pharma

United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet has introduced a bill to the Senate which aims to mark the end of the coercive practices of big pharmaceutical corporations in Australia. Senator Babet said his bill, titled the Public Governance, Performance and ...

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27 Jul 2023

AEC wastes taxpayers’ funds chasing frivolous claims: Kelly

The United Australia Party’s Craig Kelly has labelled the AEC’s failed lawsuit against him over ‘non-compliant federal election campaign material’ as a shocking waste of taxpayers’ money. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) had argued campaign posters used by Mr Kelly ...

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25 Jul 2023

If you don’t know, VOTE NO

The United Australia Party will not support a constitutional change that divides us by race. We are better than this. The Voice is shrouded in secrecy and is pushed by a government who cannot be trusted. It is divisive, dangerous ...

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07 Jul 2023

Covid vaccine autopsies study finds 74% were caused by vaccine. Study removed within 24 hours

A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours. The paper, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by ...

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26 Jun 2023

Albanese tramples journalists’ rights

Moves by the Albanese Government to fine social media companies millions of dollars for spreading misinformation on their platforms have been labelled a disgrace by Clive Palmer. Mr Palmer said the crackdown was unconstitutional and has vowed to fight the ...

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