Media release

Queensland Labor Government abuses taxpayer funds

Clive Palmer has accused the Queensland Labor Government of abusing taxpayer funds with its big-spending advertising campaign to win votes.

“It is a gross abuse of taxpayers’ dollars in a bid to get Labor re-elected for another four years when this money should have been spent on schools and hospitals,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“You can be confident the spending is being done with Labor-aligned advertising agencies who will be cashed up after this major splurge.

“It is so hypocritical when the Labor Government has done everything to restrict other parties having a say by capping their spending,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“We need a new deal for Queensland based on enterprise. We need to cut the red tape, eliminate payroll tax and eliminate land tax to make our State stronger and more competitive, and provide employment for our people.

“The current government can’t do that, it doesn’t listen, it’s not interested in big projects and it has no idea about wealth creation,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“Many of our children don’t have any future for themselves or any enterprises to go into, that’s why we have to give Labor the boot.”