Media release
Labor is a sinking ship
This week’s sudden departures of Queensland Government Ministers Kate Jones, Anthony Lynham and Coralee O’Rourke proved Labor is a sinking ship, Clive Palmer said today.
“Following the disastrous decisions by Queensland’s chief health officer Jeanette Young and the Queensland Government, Labor parliamentarians are jumping ship weeks out from the election,” Clive Palmer said.
Mr Palmer said the heartless decision to not allow a dying man to see his four children showed the damage to families and society caused by Queensland Labor’s irrational policies.
“Australians should be allowed access to all Australian hospitals. Families shouldn’t be separated,’’ he said
“Although these ministers aren’t of my political persuasion, I respect and support their decision.
“They realize the lies being told to Queenslanders about borders and the Marxist treatment of humans isn’t worth trying to win votes.
“Why do Labor state governments always only look at the negative?” Mr Palmer said.
“Even the left wing CFMEU have distance themselves from Labor.
“Queenslanders, vote for anyone but Labor this coming election. A vote for Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party is a vote for freedom for all Australians and a party that promotes Australia enterprise and growth.
“We need a new deal for Queensland based on enterprise. We need to cut the red tape, eliminate payroll tax and eliminate land tax to make our State stronger and more competitive, and provide employment for our people.
“The current government can’t do that, it doesn’t listen, it’s not interested in big projects and it has no idea about wealth creation,’’ Mr Palmer said.