Media release

McGowan and Quigley getting ready to reopen WA border: Palmer

Following agreement by the State of Western Australia that the hard border challenge would be heard by the High Court of Australia in November, it was clear WA would open its border beforehand, Clive Palmer said.

“Mark McGowan does not want to be shown up as a loser and he knows he is misleading the people of Western Australia for the Labor Party’s political purpose,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“McGowan will open the borders prior to the High Court hearing. You can always back self-interest as the motivation of McGowan.

“McGowan and Quigley are running scared with Crown Law pleading in submissions  made to the High Court of Australia  today that the contempt charges against them should not be heard until after the proceedings on the hard borders,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“This is just another attempt to avoid the truth.  They know once they open the borders the High Court has no reason to proceed with the matter and they are hoping their contempt charges will never be heard.

“With eight suicides every week in Western Australia and domestic violence up 300 percent it is so important the borders are open to save lives.

“The fact remains that there have been zero transmissions of the virus in Western Australia from interstate,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“Today there are zero active cases of COVID-19 in South Australia, Tasmania, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory.

“Western Australia still has three active cases so there is no reason why WA should not immediately open its borders to the states where the virus has been eliminated completely.

“Despite all he has said about me I bear Mark McGowan and John Quigley no hard feelings.

“I wish them and their families well. They are just politicians doing what politicians do. But now they have an opportunity to save lives and reduce domestic violence and create jobs.

“They should do what is right for the community. Their hatred of me despite the fact I never met them should not stand in their way of keeping families together, saving lives and creating jobs and economic prosperity,’’ Mr Palmer said.