Palmer United Party’s Dio Wang will Fight to Return GST to WA

Media release

Palmer United Party Western Australia Senate leader, Dio Wang, said he will go to the barricades for WA to ensure the state receives a more just and deserved share of GST revenue.

Mr Wang said the Palmer United Party is committed to fighting for West Australians and ensure the state receives its deserved share of GST revenue.

“WA provides vast amounts of GST revenue for the Australian economy and gets little back in return,” Mr Wang said.

“Around 60 per cent of the GST collected in WA is distributed to the eastern states and this is unfair.

“WA has now lost its triple A credit rating because its revenue won’t sustain its debts.

“No state or territory should be penalised for their hard work and achievements.”

Mr Wang said he and his fellow WA Palmer United Party Senate candidates Des Headland and Chamonix Terblanche would be committed to reclaiming WA’s lost GST.

“The Palmer United Party will use its position holding the balance of power in the Senate to fight for the return of WA’s GST,” he said.

“WA Liberal and Labor members of parliament must support the Palmer United Party in the fight to return WA’s GST.”
