Media release
Palmer United Party federal leader, Clive Palmer, today announced that the party’s Executive would mount a High Court challenge if the government’s proposed voting reforms and any such legislation designed to rig results and destroy democracy in Australia was implemented.
Mr Palmer said the proposed legislation to eliminate preferential voting would seek to effectively prevent any other party outside the Liberals, Labor and Greens from being elected.
“The government is essentially rigging the system. The move will diminish future generations’ choice to vote for new parties which may not have been formed,” Mr Palmer said.
“Australia has successfully had a system in place since 1901; however this proposed legislation is highly damaging and designed to destroy democracy in this country.
“A democracy allows Australian citizens to be an umpire of political outcomes.
“Having a bias umpire or rigging an outcome goes against the principle of democracy which Australians have fought for since federation.
“It will disenfranchise Australians and establish Eastern Bloc and communist type tendencies, where choices are limited and the people of this country are dictated to by the government.
“The tampering of Australia’s electoral system is acting for an improper purpose and we must put a stop to it and do all we can to preserve the current system.”