Media release
McGowan running scared of High Court border challenge
Clive Palmer has accused Premier Mark McGowan of refusing him entry to Western Australia on political grounds.
During COVID-19 restrictions, approximately 21,000 people have been allowed to enter WA, while 68 people including Mr Palmer have been refused.
“They are refusing me entry into WA purely because of political reasons,’’ Mr Palmer said.
Mr Palmer is the chairman of Mineralogy, which is the beneficiary of a WA state agreement and Government Act, while being responsible for $10 billion worth of investment in the Pilbara.
“Mineralogy receives more than $400 million per annum in royalties from my iron ore project in WA,’’ Mr Palmer said.
Mr Palmer has a full floor office in Perth’s Exchange Plaza, a home in Perth and is a member of the South Perth Yacht Club.
“I have strong links with WA. I have lived in the state for more than 10 years and camped at the Pilbara.
“Pursuing the WA border re-opening isn’t about me, it’s about the people of WA.”
Mr Palmer said closing the borders was a breach of the Australian constitution.
“We need the people of WA to be able to plan for the future. Jobs and certainty are vitally important to rebuild the WA economy post COVID-19.
“We need to bring the Premier to account. Australia must come together as a country and not be divided.
“My purpose of needing to be in Perth was to reinvest my earnings from WA back into the state.
“The McGowan government wants to restrict economic growth at a time when it is most needed.
“I should have been granted entry to WA as one of the 21,000 who were allowed to do so. If I was from Beijing I’m sure I would have been allowed in,’’ Mr Palmer said.
“Australians must stick together.
“The Premier will be running scared when this matter goes to the High Court later this month.’’