Media release
Senator Brian Burston to lead United Australia Party in the Senate
The Federal Leader of the United Australia Party, Clive Palmer, confirmed in Canberra today that New South Wales Senator Brian Burston had joined the United Australia Party and would lead the Party in the Senate.
Senator Burston announced in Canberra today that the United Australia Party would vote in the Senate to support tax cuts to all Australians.
He called on all parties to ensure tax cuts became a reality for all Australians, Australian companies and businesses.
“I strongly support more money being made available to all Australians to stimulate our economy and to create opportunities for all,’’ Senator Burston said.
“Australia must compete with all major economies to attract the capital which Australia and Australian companies needed to fund their operations and create jobs and job security for all.
“Many Australian families were doing it hard and the tax cuts would provide them with real assistance and support.
“The United Australia Party believes the parliament must do its best to unite the nation in the interest of all its citizens,’’ the New South Wales Senator said.
Clive Palmer said 30 percent of Australians were unhappy with the old parties and what was needed was a party that could unite them and the Country to achieve all Australia could be.
“Australians are sick of parties based on vanity. Australians are more interested in good polices and what can be achieved for them and their families,’’ Mr Palmer said.
“The structure of one-person parties has been shown to be a failure. It is not about Derryn Hinch, Jacqui Lambie, Clive Palmer, Pauline Hanson, Cory Bernardi or Bob Katter, that’s not what matters.
“What matters is that we need to unite the country to do what’s best for all our citizens. The current political parties have let down all Australians.”
Mr Palmer confirmed that the United Australia Party would contest all seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate at the next election and would seek to garner the support of all Australians.
The United Australia Party has received a strong response since it was announced on Sunday that the Party would be contesting next year’s Federal Election.
“There has been a huge response from members of other parties that were dissatisfied with their leadership and thought that Australia can do more and provide for real prosperity for all its citizens,’’ Mr Palmer said.
He has also called for the current banking enquiry to be extended to look at the role of liquidators, administrators and receivers.
“We need to keep our business going and stop closing them down,’’ Mr Palmer said.
“Australia is at an historic moment when the Parliament is in a state of chaos, where the nation is devoid of leadership and where all Australians need the opportunity to grow and prosper.
“It is time to unite the Country. Australians need more than Derryn Hinch, Jacqui Lambie, Clive Palmer, Pauline Hansen, Cory Bernardi or Bob Katter.
“The United Australia Party will unite the Country. Courage is one of the rarest commodities in politics and the nation is indeed fortunate to have Brian Burston leading the United Australia Party in the Senate.
“The Anzacs did not go overseas as Liberal or Labor members, they went as Australians. We have got put Australia first and make this Country greater than it is for all its citizens.”