Media release

United Australia Party to abolish Murray-Darling Basin Plan

The United Australia Party has vowed to abolish the Murray-Darling Basin Plan to return the once iconic river system to a healthy, sustainable and functional condition.

Federal Leader Clive Palmer said the Murray-Darling Basin Plan needed to be scrapped immediately to protect the system from corporate misuse and natural disaster.

“The sight of a million dead fish was sickening to every Australian and a blight on successive governments who have continued to botch the management of our most treasured and iconic river system,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“Corporate interests are being put before the needs of Australians who rely on this river system. Governments have allowed this to happen and must now be held accountable,” Mr Palmer said.

With Mr Palmer predicting success in the federal electorates of Nicholls, Farrer, Riverina, Parkes and Eden Monaro, he said the best way forward for regional Australia was with the United Australia Party.

“We are the only party committed to abolishing the disastrous Murray-Darling Basin Plan,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“It is shameful that famers are being forced off their land because they have no water allocation for next season and that our agricultural industry is on its knees.

“The rice industry, for example, was once an exporter of 1.4 million tonnes per year to more than 40 countries. Now the region exports only 50,000 tonnes and we are a net importer of rice.

“Both Liberal and Labor governments have caused this disaster and have no solution,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“The United Australia Party will abolish the plan and take steps to stop farmers paying for their water usage.

“We will change the law to guarantee every property can use water from their own dams for free,’’ he said.