Too little too late: Clive Palmer

Federal Member for Fairfax

Media release

Palmer United Party federal leader and Member for Fairfax Clive Palmer said the Abbott government is on a rampage to destroy the economy.

Mr Palmer said the government started out not supporting the automotive industry which has caused manufacturers to commit to exiting the country and jeopardising Australian exports.

“Tony Abbott essentially gave a mandate to the major automotive companies to leave the country and abandon their investments in Australia,” Mr Palmer said.

“Now the government’s decision to abandon the $500 million cut to the automotive industry is too little too late.

“This backflip from Tony Abbott and his government comes after the industry has already committed to leaving the country at the end of 2017.”

Mr Palmer said this is a shallow promise and does not achieve anything for the automotive industry, Australia’s exports or our economy,” he said.

“Government’s need to be consistent and backflips such as these are nothing but an attempt to right their wrongs when things got too hot in the kitchen.

“Unfortunately when it comes to the automotive industry, this backflip comes too little too late.”