Media release
Leader of the Palmer United Party and federal Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, today said the Prime Minister’s boycott of ABC’s Q&A program showed the Liberal Party was looking for a more media savvy frontbench.
Mr Palmer said Mr Abbott’s recent ban of frontbenchers appearing on ABC’s Q&A, showed he was frightened of public scrutiny.
“Q&A is a platform for ideas and public scrutiny and Tony Abbott needs to grow up rather than making the front bench run and hide,” Mr Palmer said.
“When elected it was Tony Abbott who said ‘the adults are now in charge’ however his boycott of Q&A is anything but adult-like.
“It has been said before that key staff within the Prime Minister’s office have suggested that all media statements be vetted by their office before being released.
“It has also been said that the Prime Minister believed this was a good idea.
“These revelations come from longstanding Liberal Party traditions where the Prime Minister writes all the questions for all of his members in the House of Representatives.
“Many Liberal Party politicians welcome this practice so they don’t have to come up with new ideas.
“Australians need the government to be on its game. Australians need to be confident in the fact that all frontbench politicians should be able to appear on a television show, including Lateline.
“I understand that the Liberal Party back benchers have undertaken a poll which reveals that if they want to do media interviews, they are most comfortable with Paul Murray followed by Andrew Bolt or Liberal Insider who works for News Limited, Niki Savva.
“This is because they are pro Liberal Party.
“I asked the Treasurer how much money the federal government spent with News Limited and he responded saying it was a waste of tax payer’s funds to look into the answer.
“What goes around comes around. Money flows from the government to News Limited, to fanatical supporters and right back to the government.”