Media release
TGA lifts ivermectin ban
More truth is being exposed about the medical and political response to the Covid-19 pandemic with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) yesterday removing restrictions on the prescribing of ivermectin.
Long lauded as a safe, effective and inexpensive treatment, ivermectin was seen by many in the medical profession as way through the pandemic that could have helped treat Covid-19 patients and potentially saved countless lives.
In their statement which can be read HERE, the TGA say the ban has been reversed as “there is sufficient evidence that the safety risks to individuals and public health is low when prescribed by a general practitioner in the current health climate”.
Many esteemed medical minds – including Dr Pierre Kory who spoke at the UAP Covid-19 Vaccine Conferences – suggested bans on ivermectin were in place purely for political and financial reasons, given that multiple studies, trials and billions of use cases had proved it to be a safe, effective drug.
The TGA’s latest move all but confirms what many believed to be the truth – that ivermectin was removed from use because it threatened vaccine take-up, being much cheaper than the vaccines and in plentiful supply.
In reality, the ban removed a legitimate treatment option for the sick, while the government persisted (and still persist) in pushing an experimental vaccine for the healthy, yet continually refuse to address the vaccine’s dangers or provide a plausible explanation for the shocking rise in excess deaths.
After the TGA’s withdrawal of AstraZeneca as an approved Covid-19 vaccine in late March this year and now the lifting of the ivermectin ban, the TGA are effectively shining a spotlight on themselves, their practices and their public messaging during the pandemic.
The restoration of doctors’ rights to prescribe ivermectin is a win for those such as Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly who spoke out bravely in face of relentless attacks from governments and government agencies, along with the millions on social media who were taken in by the myth that ivermectin was a ‘horse worming drug’ and labelled its advocates as ‘anti-vaxxers’ and ‘cookers’.
As more and more truths are revealed about the lies that were peddled and perpetuated to Australians, along with the role of big pharma and government in the censorship of important safety information that prevented people from making informed decisions, calls for a Royal Commission will surely get louder.