Media release
Queensland Premier backflips on borders
A pending High Court challenge had caused a stunning backflip on border closures by the Queensland Premier, Clive Palmer said in Brisbane today.
“The Queensland Premier has now said that instead of September, she will be looking at reopening the state borders to the rest of Australia in July,’’ Mr Palmer said.
“I welcome this necessary move but it’s only happening because of the legal proceedings I have undertaken as a result of the damages she and her government have caused to hundreds of thousands of Queenslanders.”
The comments come as Mr Palmer’s High Court challenge moves towards a full bench hearing.
At a directions hearing conducted before Her Honour Chief Justice Kiefel on Thursday, Her Honour indicated that if the parties were able to ready the matter for hearing, the Court was available to hear the matter in early July 2020.
Her Honour made directions for the parties to exchange further documents and for a further directions hearing on 10 June 2020 to check progress on the matter at which time it is expected that any orders setting the matter down for hearing would be made.
“The Premier knows her goose is cooked and will make her announcement about the borders re-opening just before the High Court hearing.
“The Premier is controlled by unions. She has seen what they have done to Jackie Trad and she is worried the same may happen to her, so she bows to their every demand while the Queensland economy and way of life suffers.
“This Queensland Government is run by faceless unionists,’’ Mr Palmer said.