Media release
The federal leader of the Palmer United Party and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, said Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s cabinet reshuffle won’t have any effect unless the government changes its policy.
Mr Palmer said reshuffling the pack of cards does not mean a new deal.
“Australians need policy that puts the needs of their families before anything else,” Mr Palmer said.
“Changing the faces won’t change the results.
“The Abbott government needs to stimulate and expand the Australian economy rather than create a false impression that Australia has a high debt level.”
Mr Palmer said Australia’s debt is only 12 per cent of our gross domestic product (GDP).
“The OECD average is 73 per cent and Australia’s debt during the Menzies years was 40 per cent of GDP,” Mr Palmer said.
“The Abbott government should tell Australians the truth and take action to make their lives better.”