Palmer United Party Targeted in Break and Enter: Clive Palmer

Media release

The federal Leader of the Palmer United Party and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, said the advertising firm he uses, Coroneo and Co, has had a break-in at its Brisbane office.

Mr Palmer said it is widely known Coroneo and Co looks after the Palmer United Party’s advertising account.

“It has been uncovered software that stored the Palmer United Party’s yet to be released policy ads for Western Australia and Tasmania was targeted in the robbery last night,” he said.

“First the Australian Election Commission misplaced votes in Fairfax, then the AEC lost votes in the WA Senate recount and now the advertising company the Palmer United Party  uses has been broken in to – what is going on?”

Mr Palmer said upon receiving news of the break-in, which has been reported to police, he urgently returned to Queensland to assess the situation.

He said he believes it to be too coincidental that his advertising firm has been targeted and election material has been stolen.

“The Palmer United Party continues to be targeted by illegal and dirty-handed tactics,” he said.
