Inquiry Set Up to Answer the Public’s Concerns: Clive Palmer

Federal Member for Fairfax

Media release

Examination of certain government actions impacting the lives of Queensland citizens was within the powers of the Senate Inquiry into the Newman Government, the federal leader of the Palmer United Party and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, said today.

Mr Palmer said the Senate Inquiry into the Queensland Government was not unprecedented, citing the Liberal dominated Senate Inquiry into the 1993 Heiner Affair and 2007 Traveston Dam inquiry as previous examples.

“The establishment of the Lazarus inquiry follows precedence,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“It was set up as a result of the public coming forward in relation to matters of concern in Queensland Government, in particular the extensive cutting of funding and services to regional areas of the state.

“Also, questions need to be answered in regards to State Government decisions on developer approvals and whether they were given for good and proper reasons or for improper purposes.

“And most notably, the introduction of retrospective legislation for business operators and developers which makes certain illegal activity now legal needs to be examined,’’ he said.

Mr Palmer said questions also needed to be asked in respect to political donations which may coincide with these issues.

He said the inquiry could examine the decline of the Queensland economy, the lack of business confidence and the loss of faith in the Queensland legal system.

“There has been political interference in relation to judicial appointments and the processes in running our legal system which affects us all,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“The inquiry is not about individuals, it is issues-based and was set up by a majority of Australian senators from the Labor Party, The Greens and Palmer United Party.

“Put simply, the inquiry received majority support in the Senate this week, which is why it went ahead. Senators responded to the wishes of their constituents who are rightly concerned about honesty and consistency in the Queensland Government.

“There is no Upper House in Queensland and therefore the role of the senators is more crucial.

“For some to suggest the inquiry was established for my own personal reasons is untrue,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“I have vested interest in good government in Australia. As an Australian and Queensland citizen and elected representative of the Australian people, I have a duty and obligation to represent those who have elected me.

“This is an opportunity for citizens of Queensland to let the inquiry know what has gone wrong in Queensland.

“People should have the right to express their concerns and this inquiry lets them do that. It is democracy at work.

“Abraham Lincoln said a long time ago: “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”

“This Glenn Lazarus-led Senate inquiry is in accordance with those words, Government of the people, by the people and for the people of Australia,’’ Mr Palmer said.
