Media release
The federal leader of the Palmer United Party and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, said that today things were looking much brighter for Queensland now that Jeff Seeney had left the LNP leadership group.
The Outgoing deputy premier announced today he would be stepping down as deputy LNP leader to allow a fresh start for the party.
“Church bells should have been ringing on this news,’’ Mr Palmer said.
“The LNP’s junior MPs will be extremely happy that the flow of threats and bullying antics will now stop with his departure.
“Many of his constituents over the weekend were calling him Jeff Unseeney, as he is never in his electorate.
“The Queensland leader of the Palmer United Party, John Bjelke-Petersen, gave Seeney a huge shock in the seat of Callide.
“In fact, if Queensland had a preferential voting system, Seeney would have been eliminated and replaced with John Bjelke-Petersen.
“Every Queenslander will now be happy to see Jeff Seeney go into oblivion.’’