Media release
Palmer United Party federal leader and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, says it’s not about who leads the Liberal Party, what matters is the introduction of policies that will grow our economy and create opportunities for employment and investment.
Mr Palmer said it doesn’t matter if it’s Tony Abbott or Malcolm Turnbull the government has lost the growth agenda to the detriment of all Australians.
“Australia needs policies that focus on growth for the country which will in turn create jobs,” Mr Palmer said.
“The government has lost the growth agenda but now is the opportunity to introduce policies to turn Australia’s economy and unemployment around.
“Australia needs policies that will grow our economy, create more jobs, promote our industries and exports and reform our government systems.”
Mr Palmer said without a clear and immediate plan for growth, Australia’s economic outlook will remain weak under Malcolm Turnbull’s Prime Ministership just as it has under Tony Abbotts.
“Australia needs urgent plans for economic growth,” he said.
“We need strong leadership and direction is required immediately.
“We need to create more jobs and new enterprise through sound economic policy that will grow Australia’s economy and ensure a prosperous future for all Australians.”