Chinese sanctions “extraordinary”: Clive Palmer

Federal Member for Fairfax

Media release

Calls by a Chinese state-owned newspaper for China to impose sanctions against Clive Palmer and his businesses have been labelled extraordinary by the Palmer United Party federal leader.

“The incredible claims made in the controversial The Global Times to impose sanctions on myself and Australian companies that have dealings with me puts into perspective the level of China’s strict communist rule,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“It is an extraordinary reaction to my television comments which were in no way directed at the Chinese people or the Chinese Government.

“My anger was only directed at the state-owned CITIC Pacific for their business dealings in Australia.

“This is a company intent on taking Australian resources and not paying for them.

 “They have failed to honour their agreements and announcements made to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in early 2006 and now wish to abuse the legal system for commercial gain.

 “It is a disagreement I have with CITIC Pacific alone, not the Chinese people or the government.

“I have high regard for all Chinese people having spent much of my life working with them. I deeply regret if any of my comments have caused offence to any person.

“It is important that the people of the world work together to ensure peace and friendly cooperation between all.”
