Palmer United saves the Schoolkids Bonus and other measures

Media Release

Palmer United saves the Schoolkids Bonus and other measures

Palmer United Senator for Queensland and Leader of Palmer United in the Senate, Glenn Lazarus, along with his fellow Palmer United colleagues and Australian Motorist Enthusiast Party member, Senator Ricky Muir, have successfully managed to convince the Government to continue the Schoolkids Bonus, Low Income Support Bonus and the Low Income Superannuation Contribution.

“This means that the average Queensland household with two high school students and one primary school student will be up to $11,400 ($3,800 per year) better off over the next three years, Senator Lazarus said.

“The support measures are tied to the Mining Tax and were under threat due to the impending removal of the Mining Tax. We stopped this from happening.

“Under proposed changes to relevant legislation the Mining Tax will still be removed, but the support measures will stay.

“I am proud to be part of the team that prevented the Abbott Government from removing much-needed support for hardworking Australians just to save a few bucks in the budget.

“For example, some 3.6 million Australians currently benefit from the Low Income Superannuation Contribution and 2.1 million are women.

“If we had allowed this important support measure to be eradicated, women across Australia would have been significantly disadvantaged.

“Many women work part-time in and around school hours to ensure they are able to support their children while they are at school. Eliminating this benefit would have penalised women who raise their children but need to stay in the workforce.

“Keeping the Low Income Superannuation Contribution and other support measures will assist women across the country to continue their employment knowing they are creating a decent retirement fund for themselves and their family.

“Every Australian deserves to retire with dignity and enjoy life after many years of hard work.”
