Palmer United Party Membership Surges

Federal Member for Fairfax

Media release

The federal leader of Palmer United Party and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, says the party’s membership has surged since the Senate passed the Abbott government’s new debt levy on high income earners.

Mr Palmer said the levy, which imposes an extra two per cent tax on earnings above $180,000 a year, passed despite protests from senior Queensland Liberal Senator Ian Macdonald.

He said Senator Macdonald did not appear to be the only Liberal left disenchanted by the government imposing the new tax.

“Since the passing of the debt levy in the upper house we have seen a surge in Palmer United Party membership numbers,” Mr Palmer said.

‘We assume these membership increases have come from high paying Liberal Party members who once saw the Liberals as a low taxation party.

“These people now feel betrayed by Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey. I believe we will see a continuation of declining support from Liberal followers.

“The Liberal Party talks about competition but they don’t like it when it comes to politics. They don’t like accountability it seems and if they fail, the rest of Australia pays for it.”

Mr Palmer said the Palmer United Party, whose Senate team will hold the balance of power from July 1, had enjoyed strong growth in support, particularly since the federal budget.

“Our membership has grown dramatically since that cruel and heartless budget was handed down,” he said. “The Palmer United Party is the last sentry at the gate for ensuring all Australians get a fair go.”
