Media release
Palmer United Party federal leader and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, today paid tribute to the Palmer United Party senators for the courageous stand they have taken over the repeal of the carbon tax.
“The stand by our Senate team has resulted in the Abbott Government adopting all of the Palmer United Party amendments to the carbon tax repeal legislation,” Mr Palmer said.
“The result of this will be a lowering of electricity and gas prices.”
Mr Palmer said all Australians businesses and consumers have now been dealt with fairly through the abolition of the carbon tax.
“The Palmer United Party has stood tall to ensure that not only big business won but all of Australia,” he said.
“The repeal of the carbon tax means Australian business can compete internationally again.
“It now means Australian businesses can now afford to reinvest in jobs, growth and business improvements.
“Australian carbon prices were substantially higher than that of other countries making us uncompetitive.
“As a result, the Palmer United Party will now seek an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) when our major trading partners do the same.
“Climate change is a global problem and therefore it must have a global solution.”