Media release
The Palmer United Party has delivered savings of more than $3,800 to Australian households and protected $13 billion in government programs for low income and other families in the first sitting of the new Senate.
Palmer United Party federal leader and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, has praised the Palmer United Party senators for their courageous decisions this past fortnight which have brought significant benefits to Australian families, the economy, education and the environment.
“The first sitting of the new Senate has been one of action and results for the Palmer United senate team, delivering excellent results for everyday Australians through a common-sense approach,’’ Mr Palmer said.
Mr Palmer said his senators’ tough stance supporting the carbon tax repeal bill with amendments requiring power savings to be passed on to consumers would help ensure Australian families were hundreds of dollars a year better off.
“And because climate change is a global problem that needs a global solution we have committed to an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) when our major trading partners do the same, as well as opposing any legislation to change to the Renewable Energy Target (RET),” he said.
By proposing certain amendments in support of the mining tax repeal bill, the Palmer United senate team further helped Australian families by retaining the schoolkids and income support bonuses and protecting superannuation entitlements for low income earners, resulting in combined savings of more than $3000 per annum.
Additionally, the Palmer United Party helped protect Australian families from rising petrol prices by opposing fuel excise indexation; protected cuts to university funding by opposing the higher education efficiency dividend and instigated important changes to financial advice laws to safeguard everyday Australian investors and responsible advisors.
“The actions of the Palmer United Party senators over the last two weeks have delivered significant advantages for all Australians including an estimated $3,800 a year saving for an average two-income working family with three kids,’’ Mr Palmer said.
“We have also protected approximately $13 billion in programs for low income and other Australians to take this country forward.
“We will continue to act with the best interests of all Australians at heart,’’ he said.