Media Releases

22 Dec 2015

GST legislation would turn WA budget deficit into surplus

Senator for Western Australia Zhenya ‘Dio’ Wang’s legislation before the Australian Parliament could have more than covered the bill for the $3.1 billion budget deficit blow-out announced by the WA Government this week.

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02 Dec 2015

Report reveals economic and social risks of budget cuts to allied health

Senator for Western Australia Zhenya ‘Dio’ Wang has joined crossbench senators and MPs to stand united in their support of calls for increased investment in rural and remote allied health services for the benefit of both the national health budget ...

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30 Nov 2015

Clive Palmer Lends Support to Young Michael’s Cancer Fundraising Efforts

Federal leader of the Palmer United Party and Member for Fairfax Clive Palmer has praised the efforts of a young Sunshine Coast boy who is raising money for cancer research.
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26 Nov 2015

With shipping laws dead in water, efforts to plot a course to reform are welcome

With the Federal Government’s laws to invigorate Australia’s coastal shipping services defeated today in the Senate, a willingness by all stakeholders to plot a course to secure the industry’s future is a welcome development, says Senator for Western Australia Zhenya ...

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25 Nov 2015

Commonwealth stands ready to help WA with Esperance fire recovery

Senator for Western Australia Zhenya ‘Dio’ Wang has welcomed reassurances from the Federal Government that it stands ready to respond to any request by the WA Government to activate jointly-funded disaster relief to help the Esperance community recover from devastating ...

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24 Nov 2015

Foreign Investment Review Follows Strong Palmer Campaign

Foreign Investment Review Follows Strong Palmer Campaign Member for Fairfax Clive Palmer says the Federal Government’s review of foreign investment rules was a victory for the Palmer United Party which has campaigned strongly over the threat of foreign ownership since ...
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20 Nov 2015

Same Sex Marriage Policy

MARRIAGE AND CIVIL UNIONS Men and Women of Australia, Unlike many countries, the Australian Constitution gives the Australian Government power over marriages, which is a power that Palmer United believes the Commonwealth need not, and should not, exercise.

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13 Nov 2015

Submissions invited for inquiry into Bill for a fairer share of GST

Senator for Western Australia Zhenya ‘Dio’ Wang has welcomed the establishment of a Senate inquiry into legislation he has introduced to ensure a fairer distribution of GST returns among states and territories.

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28 Oct 2015

Fairfax volleyball stars recognised with awards

Member for Fairfax and Federal Leader of the Palmer United Party, Mr Clive Palmer MP, has applauded eight local sport stars from his electorate who were recently presented with a Sport Achievement Award in recognition of their outstanding sporting performances.

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22 Oct 2015

Time to End the Table Games, says Clive Palmer

Federal leader of the Palmer United Party and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, says the Opposition’s fixation with a $600 broken table showed how out of touch it was with the Australian people.
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