Lambie has made no Approach to Split from Party: Clive Palmer

Media release

Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie has made no official approach to split from the Palmer United Party, the party’s federal leader Clive Palmer says.

“Senator Lambie hasn’t resigned. We haven’t received a resignation by mail, email or courier pigeon,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“I am aware that she has made some comments in the media and I think these threats are contrary to what Senator Lambie should really be concentrating on which is her duty to represent the Tasmanians who elected her.

“However if what she says about being unhappy with her party’s leadership is true, she should make a challenge, otherwise get on with the job of representing the people who voted for her.”

Mr Palmer said the Palmer United Party had a proud record of supporting Australian Defence Force personnel and would continue to do so.

He said her threats to vote against all Government legislation over the defence pay deal were irresponsible.

“One vote can’t block anything,’’ he said.

Mr Palmer has also hit out at Senator Lambie’s chief of staff Rob Messenger, criticising his disruptive influence.

“Everything Senator Lambie says is really coming from her chief of staff. Senator Lambie is simply Rob Messenger’s mouthpiece.

“Last night our executive met and we have agreed to expel Rob Messenger from the party on the grounds of making false and misleading statements about our Senators,” Mr Palmer said.


For further information please call Andrew Crook 0419 788 431