GP Co-payment Won’t Survive: Clive Palmer

Federal Member for Fairfax

Media release

The Abbott Government’s unpopular GP co-payment plan would not survive according to Clive Palmer whose Palmer United Party Senators today reaffirmed their commitment to vote against it.

“As far as the Palmer United Party is concerned, the $7 GP co-payment is history,’’ party leader and Federal Member for Fairfax Clive Palmer said.

“You can talk to all the analysts and crunch all the numbers you want but the fact of the matter is the Palmer United Senators will not be changing their position and the co-payment will not be getting through,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“We have been inundated with calls from real Australians and the message is very clear that they do not want it.

“It is another cost they simply can’t afford and the Palmer United Party cannot allow more pain to be inflicted on ordinary Australians who are already doing it tough under Tony Abbott.”

“Low income earners, single parent families, pensioners, nursing home patients and those who are socially or financially disadvantaged will be hardest hit by a GP co-payment. It is a ruthless attack on Australians when savings can be made elsewhere in the budget.

“There is zero chance of the Palmer United Party supporting it in the Senate,” Mr Palmer said.
