Conferences expose ‘wilful concealment’ of vaccine-induced deaths

The concealment of vaccine induced deaths by Australian regulators, brought to light in a recent series of conferences presented by the United Australia Party, has sent shockwaves around the country.
United Australia Party Chairman, Clive Palmer, praised the courage of the medical experts who spoke at the sold-out conferences, which were attended by many thousands of concerned Australians in Melbourne, Sydney, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast.
Referring to a current article by one of the key speakers, renowned American cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, Mr Palmer said the exposure of “wilful concealment” by the TGA should be greatly concerning for all Australians.
Dr McCollough wrote: “In an explosive set of public lectures, crowded halls filled with thousands of Australians learned from Dr Melissa McCann (BPharm, MBBS, FRACGP), who also holds a Graduate Certificate of Allergic Disease, that Dr John Skerritt and the TGA had determined that several previously healthy young children died of COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis. Redacted letters from the TGA to Dr McCann indicated these facts and an admission of wilful concealment.
“The dossier included letters of concern from Dr McCann, other doctors and the responses from Skerritt. Alarmingly, Skerritt and the TGA did not want to go public with these cases in order to keep the vaccine campaign going without “vaccine hesitancy” among a weary public who were witnessing countless injuries, disabilities, and deaths with repeated injections.
Dr McCann showed each letter and the causality determination with the vignette of victim after victim.”
Clive Palmer said the huge public response to the Australian vaccine conferences highlighted the public’s concern in the breach of public safety by the TGA.
“I commend those Australians who voted with their feet in attending these conferences and the brave medical experts for sharing their expertise in bringing these important matters into the public domain,” Mr Palmer said.