Media release
Federal leader of the Palmer United Party and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, will set up a legal fund to help end the abuse of refugees held in off-shore immigration detention centres.
Mr Palmer said the allegations of torture and abuse of refugees including women and children at Manus Island and Nauru were a crucial test for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his government ministers to show compassion and leadership.
“Mr Turnbull and his ministers are family people, mothers and fathers. It’s time they showed their hearts and ended this shocking chapter in Australian history by confronting the truth of how asylum seekers are being treated,” Mr Palmer said.
“Immigration Minister Peter Dutton needs to act decisively to end this shame.
“If Australia prides itself on being a just and humane society, the torture and mistreatment of refugees cannot be tolerated for a day longer.”
Mr Palmer also said the Australian Border Force Act which threatens workers with imprisonment for speaking out against conditions inside the detention centres was an affront to our core freedoms as a nation.
Mr Palmer said he would set up a legal fund for refugees to gain access to court representation so their cases could be heard.
“Let’s get to the bottom of this and let justice prevail,’’ he said.
“The Commonwealth Government should be held accountable in the courts over these matters.
“Too often in my electorate and right around Australia people tell me they are fed up with government representatives acting only for themselves.
“This is a chance to show some humanity and government ministers who are doing the wrong thing need to be exposed.”