AEC Should Do Full and Proper Recount in WA: Clive Palmer

Media release

Palmer United Party federal leader Clive Palmer has called on the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) to conduct a full and proper recount of the Senate vote in Western Australia rather than just a recount of above the line ballot papers.

The Electoral Commissioner Ed Killesteyn agreed to a request for a recount from the Greens despite Palmer United Party candidate Dio Wang being declared the winner of the fifth Senate seat in WA.

Mr Palmer said while the Palmer United Party strongly rejected the decision to order a recount, it believes if it is to be done it should be conducted properly.

“It defeats the purpose of a recount to not be including below the line ballots,” he said.

“The Commissioner is taking the election into his own hands by only recounting above the line ballots.

“This just seems to be a spoiling tactic to try and deny the Palmer United Party a third Senator.”

Mr Palmer said the Senate election results for the Palmer United Party with seats won in Queensland, Tasmania and WA and the prospect of himself winning the lower house Sunshine Coast seat of Fairfax was a tremendous achievement for the party in its election debut.