Media Release
The federal leader of the Palmer United Party and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, has criticised the decision by the Abbott government to spend $20 million of taxpayers’ money on marriage counselling vouchers for newlyweds.
Mr Palmer said the $20 million would be better directed on helping sick children nationwide.
“The scheme announced by Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews to offer couples a $200 voucher for marriage counselling from July 1 shows Tony Abbott’s priorities are misguided,” he said.
“Why not spend $20 million on helping sick children and tackling the diseases which take the lives of thousands of young Australians every year?
“It’s another example of Abbott making policy on the run and without much consideration.
“Australia’s economic outlook remains miserable under Tony Abbott and we are all floundering from the lack of a carefully made plan for our economic future.
“This marriage voucher policy is a classic example of a government that has no idea about what it should be doing.”