Give Palmer United the Balance of Power in Victoria

Media release

The Palmer United Party will field candidates in all eight electoral regions of the Victorian Legislative Council (VLC) in the upcoming state election, the party’s federal leader Clive Palmer has announced.

Mr Palmer said the move would provide voters with the opportunity to make the government more accountable by handing the balance of power in the upper house of Victorian Parliament to the Palmer United Party.

“In every election we see the same wheel being spun and the Victorian people get the same result regardless of which party is elected,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“The Liberals have deserted their followers and Labor still has no direction. Let’s have a new wheel. Only the Palmer United Party can get Victoria moving in the right direction.

“With Palmer United Party candidates standing in each electoral region of the VLC in this election, voters have the chance to make a real difference by giving our party the balance of power so we can keep the Victorian government accountable just as we have done with the federal government.’’

Mr Palmer has close ties with Victoria having been born in Footscray and living in Williamstown until the age of 10. A keen Western Bulldogs fan, he attended St Mary’s Primary School and his father founded radio station 3AK.

He said he was looking forward to offering a fresh start for Victorians during a special time in the nation’s history marked by the Anzac Centenary honouring the service and sacrifice of all those who have worn the Australian uniform.

“The brave men and women who have offered their service in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping missions around the world have done so for Australia, not the Liberal, Labor or any one party.

“The Palmer United Party will unite all Victorians and Australians,’’ he said.