Duke of Edinburgh Refutes the Australian


RE: Andrew Burrell article, The Australia 21 June, 2013

In response to his questions yesterday I informed The Australian that in in 2010 Clive Palmer pledged $6 million to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in Australia over 10 years as part of the Clive Palmer Youth Development Initiative to increase access and substantially grow the Award.

The Australian was informed that the pledged funds were to come from Mr Palmer’s mining interests and were tied to his resource interests. As there were delays with this project, I stated that Mr Palmer had provided to date $700,000 from his personal company’s funds, as an indication of the importance that he placed on the Awards youth development work and is the biggest donation to date.

The balance of the funds is tied to a WA iron project royalty stream. There have been delays with the project and we expect funds from Mr Palmer to resume once the project commences exporting ore.

I never stated that I have “no indication from Mr Palmer or Mineralogy on whether The Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards would ever receive the remaining $5.3m owning under the pledge”. I had no reason to be concerned about the pledge being fully met. I stated that we have regular communication with Mr Palmer and his office and that the funding may recommence at any time.

We are most grateful for Clive Palmer’s support and it has been instrumental in renewed growth in youth accessing and participating in the Duke of Ed.

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02 8280 8600 or visit the website www.dukeofed.com.au