Abbott Government Loses the Plot: Clive Palmer

Federal Member for Fairfax

Media release

Tony Abbott had his head stuck in the sand by refusing to listen to world leaders about the most serious problem facing mankind, the federal leader of the Palmer United Party and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer, said in Brisbane today.

“While Tony Abbott was in the US last week, President Obama called climate change the most serious problem facing the world today. Far more serious than any security threat,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“All the governments attending the G20 have requested that climate change is placed on the agenda and the Prime Minister has vetoed such requests.

“Australia is failing to meet the most important challenge facing the world all because the Prime Minister is worried about providing Malcolm Turnbull with some credibility on the issue.

“This is a typical example of what politicians do. It is not about Tony Abbott or Malcolm Turnbull, it is about our world and what we must do to save it,’’ Mr Palmer said.
